Saturday, 9 June 2012


Considering that my mother is an extremely amazing role model that I've always depended on, her morals and values have been imprinted into my identity. Personally, I love to take charge and accomplish my own goals. Being involved in this social justice class allowed me to explore the idea that women still face many obstacles that hold them back from being successful and reaching their full potential. It became a very personal issue. The thought of someone being told "no" or "you're not good enough" because she is a woman, angered me because I would never want to be held back from my own success, especially because of my gender. 

I've learned that although the world has come so far in things such as racism, homophobia and sexism, these issues are still lingering around us and just because it's not always as obvious as it used to be, doesn't mean it's not a problem that needs to be fixed. I'm very aware that Canadian women are extremely lucky in comparison to other women around the world; however, that's what intrigued me the most. Even women living in developed countries are still faced with extreme discrimination in society and especially in the workplace despite our "free country." Learning more and expanding my knowledge on this subject has only empowered me to exercise my knowledge, pride, beauty, and independence to the fullest of my ability. 


  1. Hi Emily,
    While I've always known that women in developing countries face more obstacles than women in first world countries, I didn't really reflect on the fact that females in Canada and the US also face difficulties when it comes to the workplace and finding suitable fictional female characters on TV and in movies to idolize. Your blog and your reflections have made me more aware of what I see in the media and how I process the information they present.

    1. Thanks!
      I think that people often focus on the problems around the globe, and fail to recognize that there are still many problems in our own country. I hope you learned something from my blog.

  2. Emily,

    Your previous blog posts revealed a similar pattern like many others - oppression. Like many other blog posts they tackled problems such as sexism, homophobia, imposition. They are all themes of oppression, together combined with other factors, they create this intricate puzzle, which ultimately needs to be solved. Thank you for your thoughtful posts, and I hope you will utilize the knowledge you acquired through this experience to tackle issues such as sexism.

  3. Thanks Edison,
    I think it's going to be difficult to tackle all these problems because we can't control what people think. But I hope that as the generations become more accepting, these problems will vanish. I find that the older generations are the ones that are very judgmental towards certain things because that's how they were raised. Hopefully, we can raise our children in a world without oppression.
